I confess I have moved the apostrophe from after the terminal S at the end of Sainsbury to before it. I am not sure whether it refers to the entire family, in which case I am wrong, or the single concept of the supermarket chain, in which case I am correct in my humble opinion. BW and I shall have to agree to differ. This really bugs me and therefore qualifies under "Birds,bugs etc.".
The rather natty (twice in one post) moth is Prooedema incisalis. I am especially fond of this moth as it is a) one of the first I caught in Hong Kong when I returned in 04 and b) rather easy to identify. I am currently in possession of a splendid small black and blue spider but it won't sit still to be photographed. I am hoping it will sleep at some stage but perhaps it and I share a sleep cycle in which case we are both going to dip on the experience. Check back to see if I am successful.

1 comment:
I think the toad wanted to get away from all the accusations and counter-accusations surrounding the little girl who went missing.
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