Saturday 20 February 2010

This is what the 800mm lens is for!

An obliging accipiter trivirgatus sitting on a telegraph pole close to our home in Sai Kung. The sky is grey and horrible but the bird is just dandy. We saw 4 raptors in half an hour - Black kite, a pair of Crested serpent eagles calling and a White-bellied sea-eagle. The fourth of course was the gos'.

And hallelujah, the temperature rose into double digits today.

The goshawk was something of a spirit lifter after failing to find the RBF again and then virtually missing an eyeball fly past by a White-bellied sea eagle. I was photographing the scenery (??) and peering through my G9 when my wife not so quietly drew my attention to the approaching eagle. As invariably happens at times like that I discovered all the settings were wrong on the lens and the tripod was falling forwards. By the time I grabbed it, stabilized it and switched to AI servo the eagle was metaphorically giving me the V sign and disappearing into the distance. In fact if you look very carefully you can see the WBSE looking over its shoulder and laughing.

We did find a RBF higher up on the MacLehose Trail but this was a very nervous bird. It wouldn't let us approach within 25m. Similarly a female Daurian redstart. A flighty little thing, played fast and loose and always just out of reach. Story of my life. So by the time we were almost home I was fairly miserable to say the least. Then the Crusty Gos did its stuff and we all lived happily ever after. What a fine bird.

1 comment:

dgny said...

I love the second one on the pole. His awkward legs and belly? Funny how birds are so uncoordinated-looking when they're not flying! Once again you've captured something more than just a representation.