Sunday 4 January 2009

Gaudy bird or "if you've got it, flaunt it"

What a fabulous bird this is apart from the rather tedious latin name, Monticola solitarius philippensis. The photos were taken in harsh light, which spoils them somewhat. The "flauntiness" of the bird (which is a male incidentally) was reminiscent of the 3 birds of the other variety, sitting opposite us in Tokyo Joe last night. Such a shame that girls can't get clothes to fit these days. There was insufficient scaffolding to support their infrastructure and a constant need ensued to "rearrange" the woefully inadequate upper garments. This is terribly un-PC but in mitigation I shall post no photos of the offenders.


Private Beach said...

Oh go on, force yourself!

Andrew said...

Welcome Private Beach. I believe you must be new here. I have linked you but have to say I am unable to post any images that might offend. SWMBO would be mortified if I sullied the family by doing so.

John Holmes said...

Well, if you can't post the pics on the blog, Email to your selected chums, like, er, me, for instance.

Where was this place ?