Saturday 20 October 2007

At last... some more birds :-)

For non-birders, these are Eurasian wryneck (a woodpecker), an Azure-winged magpie, a Dusky shrike, a Moorhen, an Osprey and a Chinese pond heron.

I had a wonderful day out at Mai Po playing with my new toy, kindly donated by Mrs. Ha. This is a 400mm f4 IS Canon lens - very light to carry. The weather is beginning to cool down and we are going into HK's golden period. Balmy, autumnal days of 25 deg C, dry, lower humidity and simply much more bearable.

In Britain the Wryneck might excite a few people and it was my first sighting here although they are not rare but uncommon passage migrants. My favourite is the Osprey. I was sitting in the Tower Hide and suddenly it started flying straight towards me. Head-on shots of birds don't always work too well but this is ok. If only I did not have a bad throat, life could almost be said to be good :-)


Songshards said...

Amazing shots as usual. Watch out for some Canadian bird pix on my blog this week. Too jet-lagged now to put them up.

ulaca said...

Though it has its rivals, the osprey represents the apogee of aerodynamic perfection. And to think some people think it came to be that way accidentally via a zillion changes over billions of years.

Darwinian evolutionists have more faith than I could ever muster!

Andrew said...

Darwin was arguably beaten to it by dear old Alfred Russell Wallace, he of the wonderful work, The Malay Archipelago. I presume The Phiz is familiar with this narrative. I am not one to argue any god versus evolution, I just vote for the Osprey. Birds 1, Theologians 0 (after extra time).

dgny said...

I quite like the look the Dusky shrike is giving you.