Monday, 7 April 2008

Lazy old blogger

I plead guilty to slacking. Mrs. Ha has been unwell for 2 weeks and I have been devoting myself to her even at the expense of Sunday at the 7s. We went to Dubai and she shopped whilst I dropped. Actually she dropped and I shopped after working for 2 days. My encounter with Cathay Pacific was beyond the pale. If you read this Tony Tyler, your Dubai desk is a shambles. Sorry old boy, but it is. I shall be in touch.
And so I escaped to Mai Po and rattled off a few frames but the tide is so fast. Whoosh in, whoosh out. Not good for photography and the camera autofocus was giving me problems. A few good ones though and I shall repeat the exercise tomorrow.

Toodle jolly pip.

Whoops - forgot to give Fumie the names. Black-winged stilt,Koel (a handsome male), a flock of waders and a Marsh sandpiper.


Tiny said...

Sorry to hear that Mrs. H hasn't been feeling well ... Hope she gets well soon.

Anonymous said...

Hearty congrats on Cardiff's performance in the FA Cup, old chap.

Andrew said...

Thank you Tiny. Still poorly today but we press on.

Fumie, Cardiff beat The Mighty Bulls en route to the final so arguably if Hereford had beaten Cardiff we would have been in the F A Cup final. Shades of Newcastle and West Ham all those years ago. Ronnie Radford, Ricky George, Dudley Tyler... Those WERE the days as Mary Hopkin once sang.