These are "Punchinello", "Lemon Pansy", "Common Five-ring" and a dragonfly I have to check.
Not the big lens of course but the small macro one. Still, as the trouble and strife said, acceptable. In fact the T&S came with me and we pottered about for 2 or more hours. We bumped into an old chap who is frequently there and he uses a small (non DSLR) camera that still produces excellent results. He showed me some of his butterfly images on the screen and I was blown away. Quite coincidentally just this morning I had read a review of the new version of his camera. It is a Lumix, Panasonic DMC FZ18. It got a strong write up. Between the review and the old chap the T&S had enough ammunition to frogmarch me off to buy one straight after lunch. "Only" HK$3800 and packed full of gadgety bits. So tonight and tomorrow I have to find out how it works. The bits that swayed me were the ability to shoot RAW and a Leica Elmarit lens. At a 1/10 of the cost of my DSLR body without lens its got to be a bargain.
Now as you have been very patient, here is a bonus picture from today. Wait a minute, no birds or moths!! Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Do not adjust your set. Thank you.

These pictures are beautiful! How can you capture that precise moment? The butterflies won't pose for you ...
Nothing that a handkerchief and a vial of chloroform won't fix!
For some reason, "the small macro one" put me in mind of fumie.
Dearest Tiny, I do wish they would pose for me. For each passable image you see many are deleted. A "keep" rate of 5% is considered good. For these I had to breach security at the Lions Nature Education Centre and walk into the vegetation on the edge of a dragonfly pond. For some reason they seemed less skittish there. The downside is getting a good camera angle can be very tricky and you risk getting wet if you misjudge what is underfoot. I was encouraged to do this by seeing the safe return of an old chap I regularly meet at LNEC. he had "leapt" off the bridge and come back armed with some very smart photos so I simply followed suit. Of course chloroform would also work but I prefer to keep that for the dog.
The reference to the dog reminds me of a joke from 'A Prairie Home Companion', which I saw last night.
Woody Harrelson: "Why do they call it PMS?"
Non-famous other member of singing cowboys: "Don't know, Woody. Why?"
Woody: "'Cos Mad Cow was already taken."
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