Saturday, 26 May 2007

No.... another birdless day

Each of these was taken today at The Lions Nature Education Centre, Sai Kung. The Lantern Bug has bugged me (pardon the pun) for some time. Everybody photographs them and I hadn't found one. Today an elderly gentleman showed me 2 on a Longan tree. Thank you sir.

The centre has several dragonfly ponds and they were active enough today. More odonata to follow. Now if only I had seen the goat-eating python (Monty to its friends) of Sai Kung my day would have been complete.


FBT said...

Sir, when I think of all the time you must spend out doors doing what you love, it makes me think you are a very happy man.

Andrew said...

I can be Phiz, I can be. But sadly Monday to Friday work gets in the way. It is of course merely a means of funding my passion for natural history.

dgny said...

I think I almost like the bugs more than the birds!