Monday 2 November 2009

The new list

The new house has already produced some fantastic treats. Yesterday pm 3 adult White-bellied sea eagles flew overhead. Two were rolling and almost touching talons - presumably a breeding pair. All three were calling with a loud honking noise, rather like geese. They were overhead for maybe ten minutes before flying off inland. These are big birds that fly with their wings in a V and they are very distinctive. I saw them at about 17.30 so if you are on the front at Sai Kung as dusk approaches keep your eyes open.

In the bushes in the communal garden just across the private road I saw a fresh plumaged Dusky warbler, a Yellow-browed warbler as well as the usual suspects such as Chinese bulbul, Tailorbird, Japanese white-eye............ and just up the road a Black-throated laughing-thrush was a good tick. I didn't have my camera gear with me but I shall have to take it next time. All I need now is some birds in the back garden.

Update 7th November

the first true garden bird was, not surprisingly, Magpie robin. 3 Grey herons fooled me very briefly into thinking the WBSEs were back. Instead they wheeled around, stately as galleons, and landed on a wooded patch below the house. I guess they will roost there. One adult WBSE did appear but didn't come close, flying over instead towards Tai Mong Tsai Road and then back towards Sai Kung. Red-whiskered bulbul added itself to the list. Finally a Common buzzard was a nice addition,hovering imperiously over the trees. NB: kites very rarely hover but I have seen them do so after a fashion this is not a clincher. I heard Scarlet-backed flowerpecker but could not see it.

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