Wednesday 26 December 2007

Now bring us some figgy pudding

A few Xmas leftovers. Isn't our dog a cutie. 15 years old and still makes a good Santa. The Koreans would love her.

I'm toying whether to keep the blog going. I don't post much and unless I spend a lot of time in the field, which I can't these days, the quality is just going downhill rapidly. Just grab shots with no real thought or passion in them. Roll on retirement.

Happy 2008 to anybody passing through.


Unknown said...

Can we have some more sea birds, please, to help me identify them when Iam doing "water sports", if you get my drift.

dgny said...

I remember when that doglet was the devil incarnate...! Plus ca change, non?

Tiny said...

Your dog Mui Chu (?) sure looks very cute :-)